Registration Policy

Prior to the opening of player registration, commissioners will create a program budget for approval by the board. This budget will be based on a specific number of teams that will allow for fixed association costs to be covered by the appropriate teams as well as variable per player or per team costs. That same budgeted number of teams will be set up in the registration system with a minimum number of players (i.e. 18/20) and a maximum number of players (i.e. 23). When the maximum number of players is reached, all other player registrations will be waitlisted until either (a) the minimum number of players for an additional team is reached or (b) player registration closes. 

  • If the minimum number of players for an additional team is reached, all waitlisted players will be invited to register and complete payment, and will have 24 hours to do so.
  • If the minimum number of players for an additional team is not reached by the time player registration is closed, player registration for that team will remain open as long as possible to achieve the minimum number of players, up to the date that teams must be registered with the appropriate league.

If team registration is closed and the budgeted number of teams (or more) have been registered with the league, but the maximum number of players per team have not been registered, additional player registrations will be accepted. 

If team registration is closed and the maximum number of players per team have been registered, no additional players will be registered. The only exception to this policy will be dedicated goalies if all registered teams have fewer than 2 identified goalies.


Player registration period: the time when players are eligible to register for a specific program. Player registration may close early if the maximum number of players are registered for the budgeted number of teams. Typically, this period begins shortly after the approval of program budgets and will close 5 days prior to the team registration deadline, but may vary at board discretion.

Team registration: Registering the appropriate number of teams with the relevant league. This period typically closed 2 weeks to 1 month prior to game scheduling meeting and 2 months prior to league play beginning, but may vary.


Minimum number of players per team:

For boys: 18 for 12U and 14U field teams, 11 for 8U and 10U field teams, 12 for box teams.

For girls: At the discretion of the Girl’s Youth Commissioner


Maximum number of players per team:

For Boys: 23 for 12U and 14U field teams, 13 for 8U and 10U field team, 16 for box teams.

For girls: At the discretion of the Girl’s Youth Commissioner

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