Code of Conduct

Many people talk about sportsmanship or what it means to be a good sport. What does it mean to you to be a good sport? Answers to this question vary widely. Sadly, many coaches, players, parents, and spectators equate being a good sport with being weak or soft.

WLA believes in “Honoring the Game.” Coaches, parents, and athletes need to realize that in Honoring the Game, perspective needs to replace the common win-at-all-cost perspective. If a coach and his team have to dishonor the game to win it, what is this victory really worth, and what sort of message is this sending young athletes?

Honoring the Game goes to the “ROOTS” of the positive play. Each letter in ROOTS stands for an important part of the game that we must respect. The “R” stands for Rules. The first “O” stands for Opponents. The second “O” stands for Officials. The “T” stands for Teammates. The “S” stands for Self.

R is for Rules

Rules allow us to keep the game fair. If we win by ignoring or violating the rules, what is the value of our victory? WLA believes that honoring the letter and spirit of the rules is important.

O is for Opponent

Without an opponent, there would be no competition. Rather than demeaning a strong opponent, we need to honor strong opponents because they challenge us to do our best. Athletes can be both fierce and friendly during the same competition (in one moment giving everything to get a loose ball, and in the next moment helping an opponent up); coaches showing respect for opposing coaches and players sets the tone for the rest of the team.

O is for Officials

Respecting officials, even when we disagree with their calls, may be the toughest part of Honoring the Game. We must remember that officials are not perfect. Take the time to think about how to best approach an official when you want to discuss a call. What strategies do you have to keep yourself in control when you start to get upset with an officials’ call?

T is for Teammates

It’s easy for young athletes to think solely about their own performance, but we want athletes to realize that being part of a team requires thinking and respecting one’s teammates. This respect needs to carry beyond the field into the classroom and social settings. Athletes need to be reminded that their conduct away from practices and games will reflect back on their teammates and the league, club, or school.

S is for Self

Athletes should be encouraged to live up to their own highest personal standard of Honoring the Game, even when their opponents are not. Athletes’ respect for themselves and their own standards must come first.

The Wayzata Lacrosse Association's Code of Conduct is strict and should be taken seriously in our sport. All people associated with the game are always expected to act with sportsmanship, dignity and respect for others. This includes coaches, parents, players and referees.

Poor sportsmanship includes:

1.    Arguing with coaches, officials, teammates, opponents or spectators

2.    Using threatening or profane language

3.    Baiting or taunting coaches, officials, teammates, opponents or spectators

4.    Unsafe play

5.    Uncontrolled behavior in the bench area

Player Consequences


After confirmation of the first violation, the player shall lose eligibility for the next two (2) consecutive games or two (2) weeks of a season, whichever is greater.


After confirmation of the second violation, the player will lose eligibility for the next six (6) consecutive games or three (3) weeks of a season, whichever is greater.


The student's membership with the Wayzata Lacrosse Association will be terminated! Lacrosse membership termination can be reviewed. Please refer to Article IV, Section 4 of the WLA Bylaws.

Parent/Spectator Consequences


A parent or spectator exhibiting poor sportsmanship will be asked to leave the premises.  


A parent or spectator that continues to exhibit poor sportsmanship on multiple occasions will be banned from attending Wayzata Lacrosse games and their player may be prohibited from participating with their team.  


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